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Cumberland Youth Baseball Softball League

Welcome to the Cumberland Youth Baseball Softball League

2024 CYBSL Age Guidelines


CYBSL is providing the guidance below to help parents decide which league to sign up their child for when registering for baseball and softball. 

Please note, your child’s Little League baseball and USA Softball age may differ from their current age, or the age they will be during the season. 

If you are unsure of their Little League baseball age, please use the link below to the Little League website to determine their age for the season:

For softball, age calculations are done by Birth Year which could result in players in the same school grade placed in different age groups.  Please use the USA Softball calculator here:

Baseball: The path for most children playing baseball starts in Instructional Baseball at 6; after one season of Instructional for baseball your child will move up to Farm for baseball.  Farm is where your child will continue to build on the skills and concepts introduced in Instructional.  After two years of Farm, many children are ready to try-out to move up to the Minor Division for baseball.  Players usually spend two years in Minors before moving up to Major Division for Baseball.  When trying to decide if your son/daughter should try out for Majors or Minors divisions, please consider:

·         Minors:  The Minors Division for baseball are the natural progression from Farm.  It is a player pitch only league with walks, strike-outs, wins/losses and playoffs at the end of the season.  Players are taught and expected to hit a line drive ball, field both ground and fly-balls and throw straight balls with the proper technique.  The season is longer than Farm and you can expect 2 games/week and a practice.  The division is made up primarily of Little League ages 9 and 10, with some 11’s and the better 8-year-old players for baseball. 

·         Majors:  The Major Division for baseball is the most competitive division of Little League.  It is made up primarily of Little League ages 11 and 12 and a few advanced 10’s.  The tryout therefore is more difficult and could negatively affect the players score for the Minor division if the player is not drafted to the Majors.  If your child is not drafted for the Major division, they will automatically be placed into the Minor’s draft.  Please avoid trying out for the majors just 'to see'.


·         U6: The path for most children playing softball starts at age 5 or 6 in U6.  U6 has limited players (7 or 8 on a team) to give individualized attention and assistance.  U6 is played on a smaller field and is focused on learning the fundamentals of the game and specific skills needed for U8.  U6 is coach pitched with the option of using a T for those new comers to the game.  Teams play one practice during the week and one (60 min) game on the weekend.  Teams are made based on available practice day (chosen at registration). 

·         U8: After learning fundamental skills in U6, players can move up to U8.  U8 is played on a smaller field and focused on advancing skills such as catching, throwing and understanding the game.  U8 is coach pitch only.  Teams consist of 11-13 players and will have one practice a week and 1-2 games.  Games are played in Cumberland, Lincoln and Smithfield.  There are playoffs and tryouts for an all-star team to complete in August at the State Level. 

·         U10 & U12: Players progressing to U10 and U12 will move on to player pitch and a full sized field.  Teams consist of 11-13 players and will have one practice a week and 1-2 games.  Games are played in Cumberland, Lincoln and Smithfield.  There are playoffs and tryouts at the end of the summer for the All-Star team who will represent CYBSL in next year’s State Tournament.  For USA Softball, players can always play up (with previous coach and parent approval) but those with a birth year older are not allowed to play down.  There aren’t tryouts for softball, however, if your child has not played for CYBSL before, it is beneficially to reach out to the VP of Softball to discuss position specific questions to make sure the teams are created evenly.


Additionally, CYBSL offers competitive leagues for players from Little League 13 to 16-year-old through our Junior and Senior Divisions.  Softball does not offer a Juniors league, however, those players who wish to continue to play softball can speak with VP of Softball for direction on area U14 leagues.  USA Softball does not have town boundaries so players from any town can join any league.

·         Junior and Senior:  The Junior and Senior leagues begin after a player ages out of the Majors Division and are made up of players from 13-16-year-olds.  Both leagues run from April through June, and are played on a larger field.  Junior and Senior teams play against teams from District 4:  Burrillville, Lincoln, North Smithfield, Smithfield, Situate, Glocester and Woonsocket.  Please note, the Junior and Senior Divisions may be combined at the discretion of the Division Commissioner depending on player registration.









Coach Pitch and use Tee

40 ft basepaths and limited rules to encourage learning the game and developing skills

Birth Years 2018, 2019 & 2020


Baseball age 6

Age 7 if never played before




Coach Pitch

50 ft basepaths and limited rules to encourage further understanding of the game and preparing for player pitch in U10 & U12

Birth Years 2016 & 2017



Machine/Player Pitch-baseball

Baseball ages 7 and 8

Age 9 if never played, or not ready for Minors



Tryouts: Only players registering for a new division must attend tryout to be drafted on a team. Players registering for the same division do not need to tryout.

Tryouts: Only players registering for a new division must attend tryout to be drafted on a team. Players registering for the same division do not need to tryout.


Player Pitch

Full Field with pitch distance at 35 ft (11 in ball)

Birth Years 2014 & 2015

Exceptions: Birth Years 2016/2017 Approval from previous coach and parent

Baseball ages 9 and 10

Exceptions (Try-out): 8 (Farm manager recommendation only) & Age 11 if not ready for Majors,

2 years of play in Minors recommended


Player Pitch

Full Field with pitch distance at 40 ft (12in ball)

Birth Years 2012 & 2013

Exceptions: Birth Years 2014/2015 Approval from previous coach and parent

Baseball ages 11 and 12

Exceptions: Age 10 Minors manager recommendation only






Area U14 and U16 leagues available. Email [email protected] for more information

Primary baseball age: 13 & 14



Area U14 and U16 leagues available. Email [email protected] for more information

Primary baseball age: 15 & 16


· Baseball Age: To calculate your player’s baseball age, please use the following link:

· Softball Age: To calculate your player’s softball age, please use the following link:

· Baseball Players generally play 1 year in Instructional, 2 years in Farm, 2 years in Minors and 2 years in Majors for baseball. Softball players don’t have a standard number of years needed in each level. Softball players have the option of “playing up” at any age if they can compete at a higher level. USA Softball players do not have the option of staying in a level if their birth year is over the limit (Example: 2013 Birth Year cannot play U10 as they are a “Softball age 11”).



· Baseball

o Farm Division: Baseball 9’s only if not placed in Minors after try outs.

o Minor Division:

Baseball 8: A player needs their prior season’s Farm manager’s recommendation to try out for Minors at Baseball 8. If a baseball 8 is not selected to Minors Division, they will be placed in Farm.

- Baseball 11 – Players may be placed in Minors by parent request or if not selected to Majors Division

Majors - Baseball 10: A player needs their prior season’s Minor manager’s recommendation to try out for Majors at Baseball 10. If a baseball 10 is not selected to Major Division, they will be placed in Minors.

· Softball

- Softball players have the option of “playing up” at any level if they can compete at a higher level. USA Softball players do not have the option of staying in a level if their birth year is over the limit (Example: 2012 Birth Year cannot play U10 as they are a “Softball age 11”).



If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the appropriate Commissioner, Vice President of Baseball/Softball or the CYBSL President for more information. 


Respective contact information can be found on





Contact Us

Cumberland Youth Baseball Softball League

1800 Mendon Road, Suite E PMB 173
Cumberland, Rhode Island 02864

Email Us: [email protected]
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